A successful cyber attack has far-reaching consequences for residents

Arda for municipalities

Residents first

Municipalities are there first and foremost, of course, for their residents. To serve them, they use various systems with countless data. Data that sometimes takes years to collect. It is probably no different in your municipality.

Different systems, valuable data

Different systems make an organisation vulnerable. The combination with valuable data means that municipalities are increasingly in the focus of hackers and cybercriminals. And sometimes this leads to a successful cyber attack.

Awareness around cybersecurity can prevent a lot of misery

Apart from all the 'internal' consequences, a successful cyber-attack usually also has a major impact on services to residents. Employees who know what safe online behaviour is, and obviously do it, minimise the chances of a successful cyber attack.

Cyber security awareness can therefore prevent a lot of misery (and costs...). After all, 90% of cyber attacks turn out to be caused by an employee's unsafe online behaviour.

Arda module: De BIO in gewone mensentaal
Arda module: De BIO in de praktijk
Baseline Informatie Overheid

Every civil servant has heard of the BIO (in the Netherlands at least). And yet hardly anyone knows exactly what the BIO entails. Arda's sector-specific modules on the BIO clarify it in such a way that employees not only understand it themselves, but can also explain it effortlessly to colleagues.

Arda is very affordable

The remediation costs of a data breach or hostage software attack are many times higher. And additional reputational damage to your organisation is often prohibitive.