Our vision on cybersecurity

People are the key

Nowhere do we learn to properly manage our online safety. Not at school (although that may be slowly starting now). And not from our employer. Hackers and cybercriminals are gratefully taking advantage of this.

Arda Steinitz aflevering 1 - Ransomware op werk

Preventing damage

Data breaches, ransomware attacks. Most of these could be prevented. Or at least have limited damage if people know how to protect their own online security.

Technical measures help ofcourse but whether the systems actually remain secure is up to the people. That is were Arda and all our serious games come in: making people aware of what they themselves can do to protect against cybercrime.

Safe online behaviour at home =
safe online behaviour at work

Knowledge about online safety should focus not only on work, but also at home. That way, everyone wins: the employee protects himself better online, and therefore his organisation as well.

Cybersecurity is the new normal

We don't believe one e-learning will help you know how to behave safely online. Let alone do it in practice. Awareness and ingraining new habits simply take time.

That is why Arda is not a one-off course, but a continous programme in which we regularly highlight different sides of cybersecurity. So that safe behaviour can become the norm, and ends up beind as common as locking the door behind you.

Making people aware of what they can do themselves

That is our drive. And you'll find it in everything we make.